Affiliate Disclosure

Policy on Acceptable Advertisements

We will not allow certain types of advertisements on the Website at any time. These categories include but are not limited to, advertisements for products or services that are illegal, objectionable, ineffective, or dangerous fraudulent or deceptive materials, offensive or discriminatory materials, alcohol, weapons, firearms, ammunition, gambling, pornography, tobacco, simulated news or emergencies, advertisements directed towards children under the age of 13, references to “M” rated video games, advertisements with unreasonable or exaggerated product claims, flashing or strobing media, advertisements with unsubstantiated weight loss or cure claims, and advertisements that mimic computer functions or trick users into clicking.

Advertisers Responsibilities

The Advertiser holds the responsibility of adhering to all local and international laws and regulations related to their advertising on our site. This includes incorporating all legally required labels, disclosures, and statements in the advertising, particularly conforming to the FDA’s current directives for Direct to Physician (DTP) and Direct to Consumer (DTC) advertising.

Identification of Ads and Editorial Content

We maintain a clear distinction between advertisements and editorial content on our Website. Ads are labeled as such, and clicking on an ad will redirect the user to the advertiser’s site or a sponsor’s site.

Affiliate Programs and E-commerce Links

From time to time, we may include offers and/or links on this Website that are from third-party advertisers from which we may receive compensation (for example, in the form of earning an affiliate commission). This compensation may impact how and where products appear on the Website (such as, as an example, the order in which products appear on a page). From time to time, we may write articles on behalf of a company, promoting the company. We will only do so if we believe that the company has good products and/or services. Those articles are clearly labeled as “sponsored content”.

Disclaimer on Endorsement of Advertised Products or Services

Our acceptance of any advertisement on our site should not be construed as an endorsement of the advertised product(s) and/or service(s), nor of the company behind them.

Last updated: March 2024